Електронна поща: zhs@zhaohongsheng.net
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За нас

15 years of experience in FOOD DELIVERY BAG.

Shenzhen Zhao Hongsheng Insulation Luggage and Bag Co., ООД. е инвестирано и създадено от Shenzhen Zhao Hongsheng Handbag Products Factory в 2008, специализирана в дизайна, развитие, производство и обработка на термоизолационни хладилни чанти и чанти за доставка на храна, и има независими права за внос и износ. Основно се занимава с термоизолационни хладилни чанти и чанти за доставка на храна, лекарство, кетъринг, и разпределение на студената верига, това е най-ранното предприятие, специализирано в развитието, проектиране и производство на термоизолационни чували. След повече от десет години развитие, продуктите вече са се разпространили във всички краища на китайския пазар и са изнесени по целия свят. Ние поддържаме дългосрочно и стабилно сътрудничество с известни местни и чуждестранни дистрибуторски компании за хладилна верига. Качеството на продуктите и услугите са широко признати от обществото.

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About us

Shenzhen Zhaohongsheng insulation luggage and bag co.,ltd. is the earliest company in the world to design and develop food delivery bags. Its design and development capabilities and production scale are leading in the industry. Design products with strong practicability by actively analyzing and studying the characteristics of the field of use. We are committed to solving the difficult problems of thermal insulation storage and transportation insulation, as well as delivery insulation.

At Zhao Hongsheng Insulation Bags company, innovation focuses on customer needs. We strictly control product quality and focus on the practicality of insulated bags. We have more than 200 professional and technical production employees and have operations in many countries and regions. It can undertake comprehensive orders for large-scale food delivery and express delivery platforms.

Zhao Hongsheng insists that the whole production process is carried out in our factory, quality first, and the products are strong and durable. We insist on threenos” (no production, no garbage quality products, and no products beyond the scope of business)

Frank LI

Frank Li

We are a leading global supplier of large-scale professional takeaway insulated food delivery bags.

Adelina Deng

Adelina Deng

We are a leading global supplier of large-scale professional takeaway insulated food delivery bags. and I am happy to serve you.


Abell Zhu

I'm a thermal delivery bag designer of shenzhen zhaohongsheng insulation bags and it's a pleasure to serve you.

Bagot zhang

We are a leading global supplier of large-scale professional takeaway insulated food delivery bags. I'm a salesmanGlad to meet you.

Шенжен zhaohongsheng Insulation Luggage and bag co.,Ltd

Development Goals:

A modern high-tech production enterprise integrating cold, heat, refrigeration and heating of all types of thermal insulation products

Business philosophy:
Professional, Integrity, High Quality, High Efficiency, Best Price, Trustworthy

Service purposes:
With technological innovation, cost reduction through scale and industrialization, with the highest quality standards, reasonable and affordable prices, and perfect services, we provide high-quality, rich and practical products

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