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Pizza poltsa/

18 -inch pizza delivery insulated keeping food hot bag Waterproof portable Aluminum foil insulation bag

Jatorri lekua:Guangdong, China Brand Name:ZHS Model Number:ZHS-464612 Material: Waterproof clip mesh cloth Type:insulated Use:Food Usage:Pizza delivery Color:black/red/orange/pink/brown/green/blue/etc Size:46m*46cm*12cm Logo:customized printing Feature:durable and waterproof Style:tote shoulderbike Item:Medium insulation cooler bag MOQ:100 piezak

  • Produktuaren xehetasunak
  • Why food delivery bag

18 -inch pizza insulation package

1.Eskumuturrekoa: Eskuko zintan eskumuturreko poltsa bat dago josita, erosoagoa eta erosoagoa dena

2.Eskulekua: There is a hand handle at the bottom of the pizza bag, which can be carried to keep the balance of the bag so that the pizza is not easy to deform

3.Itxiera: 1.5 “Magic sticker, it is convenient to open and close

4.Eskaera leihoa: Eskaera leiho gardena Logotipoa egiteko erabil daiteke, aginduak, etab

6. Edukiera: A pizza bag can hold 2 boxes, 18″pizza

7. Materiala: Waterproof clip mesh cloth,EPE insulation cotton, insulation aluminum foil

8.Logotipoa: Logotipoa inprimatzea bezeroen eskakizunen arabera

9.Zinta: PP enkriptatzeko zinta

11. N.W: 0.7kg

12.Kolore: black, gorria (Behar den moduan beste kolore batzuk egin daitezke)



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