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Buruz Harremanetan jarri

Pizza poltsa/

Pertsonalizatua 20″pizza Eco Friendly logotipoa isolatua pizza janaria bidaltzeko poltsa handia pizza termikoen poltsa freskoa eraman

1.Eskumuturrekoa: Eskuko zintan eskumuturreko poltsa bat dago josita, erosoagoa eta erosoagoa dena


2.Eskulekua:There is a chicken eye hole on the front to reduce water vapor and keep the pizza taste unchanged!

3.Itxiera: Velcro


4.Eskaera leihoa: Eskaera leiho gardena Logotipoa egiteko erabil daiteke, aginduak, etab

6. Edukiera: A pizza bag can hold 6 boxes, 20″pizza


7. Materiala: Waterproof Oxford cloth 600D, isolamendu kotoia, 210D cloth fabric

8.Logotipoa: Logotipoa inprimatzea bezeroen eskakizunen arabera

9.Zinta: PP enkriptatzeko zinta

11. N.W: 0.85kg

12.Kolore: gorria (Behar den moduan beste kolore batzuk egin daitezke)

  • Produktuaren xehetasunak

The order is less than one hundred. We will deliver the goods 5-7 days after your order. If your order is greater than five hundred, we will provide you with free samples. The styles, sizes, colors and materials of the samples can be made according to your requirements. The products will be shipped within 30-40 days.

If you want to know more, please contact us.



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